Edward Kenway 3D Model | Static + Assembly

cm: 20.8 w x 8.6 d x 19 h
in: 8.189 w x 3.386 d x 7.48 h

Source Files




Printing Details

This 3D model consists of files in StereoLithography (.Stl) format that have been optimized for 3D printing.

Before printing the files, we strongly recommend reading the PRINTING DETAILS section.

File Name File Size Time / Filament Object Size
(x/y/z mm)
1_Kenway_l_hand (repaired ).stl
2.67 MiB 1 h 15 min 1 m 16 x 17 x 62 Download
2_Kenway_l_leg (repaired) .stl
1.41 MiB 1 h 31 min 1 m 27 x 28 x 51 Download
3_Kenway_lower_body (repa ired).stl
25.05 MiB 16 h 17 min 9 m 96 x 58 x 96 Download
4_Kenway_platform1 (repai red).stl
8.20 MiB 3 h 19 min 2 m 64 x 34 x 45 Download
5_Kenway_platform2 (repai red).stl
25.24 MiB 8 h 30 min 4 m 146 x 86 x 22 Download
6_Kenway_r_hand (repaired ).stl
2.81 MiB 1 h 16 min 1 m 20 x 16 x 62 Download
7_Kenway_r_leg (repaired) .stl
0.87 MiB 1 h 29 min 1 m 20 x 33 x 48 Download
8_Kenway_sword (repaired) .stl
1.22 MiB 59 min 1 m 87 x 14 x 24 Download
9_Kenway_Upper_body (repa ired).stl
22.80 MiB 9 h 8 min 5 m 99 x 37 x 64 Download
77.25 MiB n.a.
150 x 149 x 190 Download

Edward Kenway 3D model is inspired by the action-adventure video game franchise character. He comes from a family of farmers, hence his struggle to acquire richness and fame.

In his youth, he was a privateer of the Royal Navy. Later he became a pirate to eventually turn into a member of the Assassin Order.

Kenway 3D model joins another notorious video game character for 3D printing on the marketplace. 

The figurine is created in Autodesk Maya and ZBrush and features the video game character’s design lines. The high-poly model featured a detail outer shell. You will able to reproduce a realistic video game character with the help of 3D printing.

Edward Kenway 3D model is available for download in two versions: static model (printed from a single STL file), and assembly model (split into 9 parts for an easy 3D printing experience). No glue is required for the assembly. There is a detailed video guide that will walk you through the assembly. Click the video icon at the far right of the model’s picture slider.

After being 3D printed, the figurine will stand 208 mm wide, 190 mm tall, and 86 mm deep. It is provided with a support base to facilitate its display on the shelf.

Buy Assassin Edward Kenway 3D model STL files by clicking the green Buy button in the top-right corner of the model’s page. Add the files to your cart. Continue to checkout. Pay securely with PayPal or your credit card. As soon as the payment is processed, download the files in a .zip folder, together with detailed printing recommendations.

You can also use the services of our partners, 3DHubs and Treatstock, to 3D print the model directly from our website.


Below you can find printing recommendations for CuraSimplify3D and Slic3r softwares.

Cura printing recommendations:

Recommendations: For all parts of Locks you need to change "Brim" type to "Skirt" in Build Plate Adhesion section.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings:

Layer Height: 0.1 mm
Initial Layer Height: 0.3 mm
Line Width: 0.4 mm
 Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
   Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
   Inner Wall(s) Line Width: 0.4 mm
 Top/Bottom Line Width: 0.4 mm
 Infill Line Width: 0.4 mm
 Skirt/Brim Line Width: 0.4 mm
Support Line Width: 0.4 mm
 Initial Layer Line Width: 100%

Wall Thickness: 0.8 mm
    Wall Line Count: 2
Outer Wall Wipe Distance: 0.2 mm
Top Surface Skin Layers: 0
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
   Top Thickness: 0.8 mm 
      Top Layers: 8
    Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
      Bottom Layers: 8
Top/Bottom Pattern: Lines
Bottom Pattern Initial Layer: Lines
Top/Bottom Line Directions: [ ]
Outer Wall Inset: 0 mm
Compensate Wall Overlaps: Check
    Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: Check
    Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: Check
Fill Gaps Between Walls: Everywhere
Filter Out Tiny Gaps: Check
Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Z Seam Alignment: Sharpest Corner
Seam Corner Preference: Hide Seam
Ignore Small Z Gaps: Check
Extra Skin Wall Count: 1

Infill Density: 20%
Infill Line Distance: 4.0 mm
Infill Pattern: Grid
Infill Line Directions: [ ]
Infill X Offset: 0 mm
Infill Y Offset: 0 mm
Infill Overlap Percentage: 10%
    Infill Overlap: 0.04 mm
Skin Overlap Percentage: 5%
    Skin Overlap: 0.02 mm
Infill Wipe Distance: 0.1 mm
Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Infill Steps: 1
Gradual Infill Steps Height: 1.5 mm
Infill Before Walls: Check
Minimum Infill Area: 0 mm2
Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
    Top Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
    Bottom Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
    Top Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
    Bottom Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion: 90˚
    Minimum Skin Width for Expansion: 0.0

Initial Layer Flow: 100%
Enable Retraction: Check
Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0 mm3 
Retraction Minimum Travel: 0.8 mm
Maximum Retraction Count: 90
Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 6.5 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20 mm/s
    Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20 mm/s
    Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20 mm/s 

Print Speed: 45 mm/s
    Infill Speed: 45 mm/s
    Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
      Outer Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
      Inner Wall Speed: 45 mm/s
    Top/Bottom Speed: 15 mm/s
    Support Speed: 45 mm/s 
     Support Infill Speed: 45 mm/s
Travel Speed: 45 mm/s
Initial Layer Speed: 22.5 mm/s
  Initial Layer Print Speed: 22.5 mm/s
  Initial Layer Travel Speed: 30 mm/s
Skirt/Brim Speed: 45 mm/s
Maximum Z Speed: 0 mm/s
Number of Slower Layers: 2

Combing Mode: All
Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling: Check
Travel Avoid Distance: 0.6562 mm
Layer Start X: 0.0 mm
Layer Start Y: 0.0 mm

Enable Print Cooling: Check
Fan Speed: 100%
    Regular Fan Speed: 100%
    Maximum Fan Speed: 100% 
Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10 s
Initial Fan Speed: 0%
Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0.3 mm
    Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 2 
Minimum Layer Time: 5 s
Minimum Speed: 10 mm/s

Generate Support: Check
Support Placement: Everywhere
Support Overhang Angle: 60°
Support Pattern: Zig Zag
Connect Support ZigZags: Check
Support Density: 15 %
    Support Line Distance: 2.2 mm
Support Z Distance: 0.13 mm
    Support Top Distance: 0.13 mm
    Support Bottom Distance: 0.13 mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1 mm
Support Distance Priority: Z overrides X/Y
Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.25 mm
Support Stair Step Height: 0.3 mm
Support Stair Step Maximum Width: 5.0 mm
Support Join Distance: 2.0 mm
Support Horizontal Expansion: 0.2 mm
Support Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Support Infill Steps: 0
Use Towers: Check
Tower Diameter: 3.0 mm
Minimum Diameter: 3.0 mm
Tower Roof Angle: 65° 

Build Plate Adhesion 
Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim (for all parts of locks use "Skirt")
Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250 mm
Brim Width: 8.0 mm
    Brim Line Count: 15 
Brim Only on Outside: Check

Mesh Fixes 
Union Overlapping Volumes: Check
Merged Meshes Overlap: 0.15 mm

Special Modes
Print Sequence: All at Once
Surface Mode: Normal

Slicing Tolerance: Middle
Maximum Resolution: 0.01 mm
Flow rate compensation max extrusion offset: 0 mm
Flow rate compensation factor: 100%

Disclaimer: This model will look outstanding if printed on SLA/SLS 3D printer. The accuracy of the model printed on FFF printer can vary from the result shown in the pictures.

Simplify3D printing recommendations:

This model was tested with PLA material.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings:

Nozzle Diameter: 0.4 mm
Extrusion Multiplier: 0.97
Extrusion Width: Auto

Retraction Distance: 5.00 mm
Extra Restart Distance: 0.00 mm
Retraction Vertical Lift: 0.08 mm
Retraction Speed: 5400.0 mm/min

Wipe Distance: 5.00 mm

Primary Layer Height: 0.2 mm
Top Solid Layers: 8
Bottom Solid Layers: 5
Outline/Perimeter Shells: 2
Outline Direction: Inside-Out

First Layer Height: 90%
First Layer Width: 100%
First Layer Speed: 20%

Use Skirt/Brim: Check
Skirt Layers: 1
Skirt Offset from Part: 6.00 mm
Skirt Outlines: 5

Internal Fill Pattern: Fast Honeycomb
External Fill Patern: Rectilinear
Interior Fill Percentage: 10%
Outline Overlap: 22%
Infill Extrusion Width: 100%
Minimum Infill Length: 5.00 mm
Combine Infill Every: 1 layers

External Infill Angle Offsets: 45/-45 deg

Generate Support Material: Check
Support Infill Percentage: 15%
Extra Inflation Distance: 1.00 mm
Support Base Layers: 0
Combine Support Every: 1 layers

Dense Support Layers: 0
Dense Infill Percentage: 70%

Support Type: Normal
Support Pillar Resolution: 5.00 mm
Max Overhang Angle: 60 deg

Horizontal Offset From Part: 0.50 mm
Upper Vertical Separation Layers: 1
Lower Vertical Separation Layers: 1

Support Infill Angles: 45 deg

Extruder 1 Temperature: 210
Heated Bed: 60

Increase fan speed for layers below: 45.0 sec
  Maximum Cooling fan speed: 50%
Bridging fan speed override: 100%

Default Printing Speed: 4800.0 mm/min
Outline Underspeed: 50%
Solid Infill Underspeed: 80%
Support Structure Underspeed: 80%
X/Y Axis Movement Speed: 10800.0 mm/min
Z Axis Movemen Speed: 1002.0 mm/min

Adjust printing speed for layers below: 15.0 sec 
  Allow speed reduction down to: 20%

Unsupported area threshold: 20.0 sq m

Slic3r printing recommendations:

Layer height
  Layer height: 0.1 mm
  First layer height: 90%
Vertical shells
  Perimeters: 2
Horizontal shells
  Soid layers: 
              Top: 8
              Bottom: 5
  Detect thin walls: Check
  Detect bridging perimeters: Check
  Seam position: Random
  Fill desity: 20%
  Fill pattern: Honeycomb
  Top/bottom fill pattern: Rectilinear
Reducing printing time
  Combine infill every: 1 layers
  Solid infill every: 0 layers
  Fill angle: 25 deg
  Solid infill threshold area: 0mm
  Loops: 2
  Distance from object: 6 mm
  Skirt height: 1 layers
  Minimum extrusion length: 4 mm
  Brim width: 10 mm
Support material
  Generate support material: Check
  Overhang threshold: 45 deg
  Enforce support for the first: 3 layers
  Raft layers: 0 layers
Options for support material and raft
  Contact Z distance: 0.1 mm
  Pattern: Rectilinear
  Patter spacing: 2 mm
  Pattern angle: 0 deg
  Interface layers: 2 layers
  Interface pattern spacing: 0.2 mm
Speed for print moves
  Perimeters: 60 mm/s
  Small perimeters: 20 mm/s
  External perimeters: 20 mm/s
  Infill: 60 mm/s
  Solid infill: 60 mm/s
  Top solid infill: 30 mm/s
  Support material: 50 mm/s
  Support material interface: 100%
  Bridges: 30 mm/s
  Gap fill: 50 mm/s
Speed for non-print moves
  Travel: 60 mm/s
  First layer speed: 30 mm/s
Acceleration control
  Perimeters: 800 mm/s
  Infill: 1500 mm/s
  Bridge: 1000 mm/s
  First layer: 1000 mm/s
  Default: 1000 mm/s
  Max print speed: 100 mm/s
  Max volumetrix speed: 0 mm/s
Extrusion width
  Default extrusion width: 0.42 mm
  First layer: 0.42 mm
  Perimeters: 0.42 mm
  External perimeters: 0.42 mm
  Infill: 0.42 mm
  Solid infill: 0.42 mm
  Top solid infill: 0.42 mm
  Support material: 0.42 mm
  Infill/Perimeters overlap: 20%
  Bridge flow ratio: 0.95
  XY Size Compensation: 0 mm
  Threds: 8
  Resolution: 0 mm


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