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Thunderbird 1 3D Printing Model | Assembly

cm: 27.5 w x 32.6 d x 32.4 h
in: 10.827 w x 12.835 d x 12.756 h

Source Files




Printing Details

This 3D model of Thunderbird 1 consists of files in StereoLithography (.Stl) format that is optimized for 3D printing.

Before printing the files, we strongly recommend reading the PRINTING DETAILS section.


  • 2 versions of Thunderbird 1 STL files for FFF/FDM and DLP/SLA - files for all versions are available for download after the purchase;
  • STL files of high-poly Thunderbird 1 Model for 3D printing consist of 135 files;
  • Sizes for:
  • FFF/FDM standard platform: 111 mm tall, 155 mm wide, 274 mm deep;
  • FFF/FDM stylised platform: 324 mm tall, 375 mm wide, 326 mm deep;
  • DLP/SLA standard platform: 55 mm tall, 78 mm wide, 137 mm deep;
  • DLP/SLA stylised platform: 162 mm tall, 137 mm wide, 163 mm deep;
  • Assembly Manual for FFF/FDM 1.0 and DLP/SLA 1.0 versions in PDF and video formats;
  • Detailed settings that we provide as a recommendation for Cura, Simplify3D, Slic3r and PrusaSlicer for the best print;
  • Full technical support from the Gambody Support Team.

Detailed information about this 3D printing model is available in the DESCRIPTION section.

File Name File Size Time / Filament Object Size
(x/y/z mm)
_01_nose_FDM (repaired).s tl
5.82 MiB 46 min <1 m 22 x 22 x 43 Download
_02_bodyPart_a_FDM (repai red).stl
18.08 MiB 10 h 34 min 6 m 52 x 52 x 151 Download
_04_boduyPart_c_V1_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.11 MiB 16 min <1 m 18 x 5 x 16 Download
_05_boduyPart_c_V2_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.47 MiB 16 min <1 m 18 x 16 x 9 Download
_06_bodyCap_FDM (repaired ).stl
10.35 MiB 3 h 10 min 2 m 35 x 19 x 106 Download
_07_bodyConnector_X2_FDM (repaired).stl
0.21 MiB 47 min <1 m 39 x 17 x 12 Download
_08_enginePart_a_FDM (rep aired).stl
0.71 MiB 1 h 2 min 1 m 85 x 85 x 3 Download
_10_enginePart_c_FDM (rep aired).stl
1.48 MiB 3 h 35 min 2 m 86 x 86 x 24 Download
_11_enginePartEdge_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.18 MiB 34 min <1 m 24 x 16 x 14 Download
_12_engineJet_a_FDM (repa ired).stl
0.39 MiB 12 min <1 m 15 x 15 x 11 Download
_13_engineJet_b_X4_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.39 MiB 11 min <1 m 13 x 13 x 11 Download
_14_engineJet_c_X4_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.40 MiB 10 min <1 m 11 x 11 x 11 Download
_15_engineGlass_a_FDM (re paired).stl
0.07 MiB 4 min <1 m 10 x 10 x 3 Download
_16_engineGlass_b_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.07 MiB 3 min <1 m 8 x 8 x 3 Download
_17_engineGlass_c_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.05 MiB 3 min <1 m 6 x 6 x 3 Download
_18_engineFlapClear_X4_FD M (repaired).stl
1.00 MiB 20 min <1 m 35 x 32 x 17 Download
_19_engineFlapPattern_X4_ FDM (repaired).stl
0.91 MiB 42 min <1 m 27 x 11 x 40 Download
_20_landingGearRearPart_a _V1_FDM (repaired).stl
1.01 MiB 34 min <1 m 26 x 9 x 39 Download
_21_wing_L_FDM (repaired) .stl
10.53 MiB 1 h 42 min 1 m 92 x 5 x 62 Download
_22_wing_R_FDM (repaired) .stl
10.53 MiB 1 h 41 min 1 m 92 x 5 x 62 Download
_23_wingLandingGearCap_L_ FDM (repaired).stl
0.19 MiB 7 min <1 m 36 x 51 x 1 Download
_24_wingLandingGearCap_R_ FDM (repaired).stl
0.19 MiB 7 min <1 m 36 x 51 x 1 Download
_25_landingGear_L_FDM (re paired).stl
0.94 MiB 40 min <1 m 36 x 51 x 53 Download
_26_landingGear_R_FDM (re paired).stl
0.94 MiB 40 min <1 m 36 x 51 x 53 Download
_27_landingGearFoot_V1_X2 _FDM (repaired).stl
0.13 MiB 5 min <1 m 6 x 13 x 5 Download
_28_landingGearFoot_V2_X2 _FDM (repaired).stl
5.89 MiB 6 min <1 m 9 x 10 x 5 Download
_29_wingConnector_X2_FDM (repaired).stl
3.67 MiB 30 min <1 m 52 x 11 x 13 Download
_30_landingGearRear_V1_FD M (repaired).stl
0.17 MiB 5 min <1 m 6 x 13 x 9 Download
_31_landingGearRear_V2_FD M (repaired).stl
5.93 MiB 7 min <1 m 9 x 10 x 9 Download
_32_cockpitPart_a_FDM (re paired).stl
7.43 MiB 38 min <1 m 23 x 23 x 13 Download
_33_cockpitPart_b_FDM (re paired).stl
0.90 MiB 22 min <1 m 30 x 30 x 3 Download
_34_pilotSeat_FDM (repair ed).stl
21.63 MiB 13 min <1 m 12 x 10 x 14 Download
_35_pilotSeatBase_FDM (re paired).stl
0.64 MiB 14 min <1 m 18 x 18 x 11 Download
_36_bodyInnerPart_a_FDM ( repaired).stl
9.18 MiB 1 h 22 min 1 m 25 x 42 x 25 Download
_37_bodyInnerPart_b_FDM ( repaired).stl
19.36 MiB 1 h 43 min 1 m 28 x 23 x 24 Download
_38_bodyInnerPart_c_FDM ( repaired).stl
1.64 MiB 31 min <1 m 27 x 31 x 7 Download
_39_standPart_a_FDM (repa ired).stl
0.01 MiB 3 h 41 min 2 m 67 x 103 x 11 Download
_40_standPart_b_FDM (repa ired).stl
0.03 MiB 3 h 40 min 2 m 138 x 79 x 6 Download
_41_standPart_c_FDM (repa ired).stl
0.19 MiB 22 min <1 m 32 x 61 x 5 Download
_42_dioramaBodyPart_a_FDM (repaired).stl
0.24 MiB 28 h 60 min 16 m 157 x 149 x 68 Download
_43_dioramaBodyPart_b_FDM (repaired).stl
0.30 MiB 26 h 22 min 15 m 157 x 126 x 68 Download
_44_dioramaBodyPart_c_FDM (repaired).stl
12.73 MiB 53 h 53 min 31 m 169 x 149 x 109 Download
_45_dioramaBodyPart_d_FDM (repaired).stl
12.89 MiB 48 h 58 min 28 m 169 x 126 x 109 Download
_46_dioramaBodyPart_e_FDM (repaired).stl
3.32 MiB 20 h 9 min 12 m 45 x 151 x 120 Download
_47_dioramaBodyPart_f_FDM (repaired).stl
3.29 MiB 17 h 21 min 10 m 45 x 124 x 120 Download
_48_platformPart_a_T_FDM (repaired).stl
0.86 MiB 11 h 56 min 6 m 132 x 132 x 15 Download
_49_platformPart_b_Bot_FD M (repaired).stl
9.64 MiB 15 h 24 min 8 m 134 x 137 x 19 Download
_50_floorGrid_FDM (repair ed).stl
0.49 MiB 2 h 1 m 92 x 55 x 4 Download
_51_wallCap_X2_FDM (repai red).stl
0.01 MiB 1 h 40 min 1 m 28 x 152 x 2 Download
_52_lightHolder_X2_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.99 MiB 53 min <1 m 10 x 32 x 38 Download
_53_light_X2_FDM (repaire d).stl
1.05 MiB 57 min <1 m 26 x 26 x 21 Download
_54_lightGlass_X2_FDM (re paired).stl
0.18 MiB 13 min <1 m 23 x 23 x 4 Download
_55_platformWheel_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.15 MiB 4 min <1 m 6 x 6 x 6 Download
_56_wallPart_c_FDM (repai red).stl
1.10 MiB 8 h 27 min 5 m 77 x 74 x 45 Download
_57_platformWheelBase_X4_ FDM (repaired).stl
0.43 MiB 15 min <1 m 10 x 14 x 11 Download
_58_platformPart_c_X6_FDM (repaired).stl
0.35 MiB 9 min <1 m 43 x 13 x 2 Download
_59_platformPart_d_X6_FDM (repaired).stl
0.48 MiB 8 min <1 m 45 x 12 x 2 Download
_60_standFencePart_X3_FDM (repaired).stl
0.01 MiB 13 min <1 m 95 x 74 x 2 Download
_61_wallPart_a_X2_FDM (re paired).stl
9.29 MiB 4 h 17 min 3 m 36 x 43 x 38 Download
_62_wallPart_b_FDM (repai red).stl
0.10 MiB 2 h 11 min 1 m 4 x 170 x 30 Download
_63_secondFloorFence_a_FD M (repaired).stl
0.56 MiB 17 min <1 m 137 x 13 x 2 Download
_64_secondFloorFence_b_FD M (repaired).stl
0.56 MiB 17 min <1 m 137 x 13 x 2 Download
_65_secondFloorPart_a_FDM (repaired).stl
0.21 MiB 3 h 12 min 2 m 42 x 138 x 4 Download
_66_secondFloorPart_b_FDM (repaired).stl
0.21 MiB 3 h 12 min 2 m 42 x 138 x 4 Download
_67_floorHolder_X4_FDM (r epaired).stl
0.02 MiB 30 min <1 m 52 x 47 x 4 Download
_68_dioramaBodyPin_X12_FD M (repaired).stl
0.01 MiB 19 min <1 m 40 x 15 x 3 Download
_69_engineFlapsPIn_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.01 MiB 3 min <1 m 10 x 5 x 3 Download
_70_wingPin_X2_FDM (repai red).stl
0.10 MiB 4 min <1 m 5 x 8 x 5 Download
_71_enginePartsPin_X4_FDM (repaired).stl
0.01 MiB 4 min <1 m 13 x 13 x 3 Download
_72_landingGearRearPart_a _V2_FDM (repaired).stl
0.93 MiB 38 min <1 m 40 x 27 x 11 Download
Keychain (repaired).stl
0.35 MiB 23 min <1 m 30 x 30 x 2 Download
Tag (repaired).stl
1.70 MiB 1 h 18 min 1 m 150 x 18 x 5 Download
_09_enginePart_b_FDM (rep aired).stl
0.81 MiB 5 h 18 min 3 m 85 x 85 x 24 Download
_03_bodyPart_b_TopR_FDM ( repaired).stl
1.64 MiB 6 h 22 min 4 m 54 x 54 x 34 Download


Gerry Anderson is famous for his futuristic television programmes, in the 1960s and 1970s he filmed his well-known series including Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, UFO, Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Joe 90. Thunderbirds were especially popular as these series featured a wide variety of futuristic air, land, and sea vehicles and machines. The most advanced machines, “Thunderbirds”, belonged to the International Rescue organization and were used during their rescues. Thunderbird 1 is a rapid-response vehicle and is usually the first to arrive at the danger zone. The aircraft is equipped with rocket propellant, turbo-jet fuel, and atomic fusion reactor, its rates of speed are simply amazing.

As a big fan of the Thunderbirds television series, our contributing 3D artist made a great effort to create this beautiful design. Thunderbird 1 combines the rocket-like engine mount and retractable wings in the main body; it has a highly detailed interior with movable parts. You can install the printed model either on a standard platform or on a launch bay platform with a movable pod and adjustable spotlights. Truly authentic and carefully crafted, Thunderbird 1 will make your collection sparkle with new colors!


The Thunderbird 1 model for 3D printing is a static assembly model and its moderation and adaptation for different types of 3D printers took the Gambody team 98 hours in total.

For you to receive the cleanest 3D printing result possible, minimize the amount of filament needed for generated support, and make use of the active elements designed by Gambody Engineers, the vehicle was divided into convenient assembly parts.

All assembly parts in the FFF/FDM 1.0 version are provided in STL files in recommended positions that were worked out in order to ensure the smoothness of the details’ surfaces after printing and that the 3D printing beginners won’t face difficulties when placing the parts on a build plate. When downloading any model’s file you will also receive “Assembly Manual” for FFF/FDM 1.0 and DLP/SLA 1.0 versions in PDF and video formats. We highly recommend that you get acquainted with the “Assembly Video” and “Assembly Manual” before getting down to the Thunderbird 1 3D printing model.

The model is saved in STL files, a format supported by most 3D printers. All STL files for 3D printing have been checked in Netfabb and no errors were shown.

The model’s scale was calculated from the height of the Thunderbird 1 which is 35000 mm. The 3D printing model’s chosen scales are 1:128 for the FFF/FDM version and 1:256 for the DLP/SLA version.


FFF/FDM 1.0 version features:

  • Contains 72 parts;
  • A printed model on the standard platform is 111 mm tall, 155 mm wide, 274 mm deep;
  • A printed model on the stylised platform is 324 mm tall, 375 mm wide, 326 mm deep;
  • Two types of platform: standard and platform-diorama with launch bay;
  • Highly-detailed cockpit interior;
  • Movable pilot’s chair;
  • The wings fold when rotated by 32 degrees;
  • You can use either landing gear or a cover plug for the wings;
  • Two types of landing legs;
  • Two variants of the lower lid - with and without the nozzle;
  • Two variants of tail fins - plain and with relief for painting;
  • Fork support on the standard platform maintains the structure design;
  • Movable launch pad in the stylized platform;
  • Adjustable spotlights;
  • There are tunnels inside the turbine engines and launch bay for you to introduce LED wiring;
  • All parts are divided in such a way that you will print them with the smallest number of support structures.

DLP/SLA 1.0 version features:

  • Contains 63 parts;
  • A printed model on the standard platform is 55 mm tall, 78 mm wide, 137 mm deep;;
  • A printed model on the stylised platform is 162 mm tall, 137 mm wide, 163 mm deep;
  • Two types of platform: standard and platform-diorama with launch bay;
  • Highly-detailed cockpit interior;
  • Movable pilot’s chair;
  • The wings fold when rotated by 32 degrees;
  • You can use either landing gear or a cover plug for the wings;
  • Two types of landing legs;
  • Two variants of the lower lid - with and without the nozzle;
  • Two variants of tail fins - plain and with relief for painting;
  • Fork support on the standard platform maintains the structure design;
  • Movable launch pad in the stylized platform;
  • Adjustable spotlights;
  • There are tunnels inside the turbine engines and launch bay for you to introduce LED wiring;
  • All parts are divided in such a way to fit the build plates and to ensure that support structures are generated where needed.

You can get the Thunderbird 1 model for 3D printing immediately after the purchase! Just click the green Buy button in the top-right corner of the model’s page. You can pay with PayPal or your credit card.

Watch the tutorial on how to assemble a Thunderbird 1 3D Printing Model on Gambody YouTube channel.

Also, you may like Thunderbird 2 3D Printing Model and SHADO Skydiver 3D Printing Model.




Below you can find printing recommendations for Cura, Simplify3D, Slic3r and PrusaSlicer software.

Disclaimer: The following printing settings are a recommendation, not an obligation. The parameters can vary depending on the peculiarities of your 3D printer, the material you use, and especially the particular assembly part you are working with. Each part that any model comprises often needs preliminary review, and you are free to tweak the settings the way you find suitable.


  • You can scale up the model (downscaling for FFF/FDM 3D printers is not recommended!);
  • All connectors should be printed at 100% Infill.

Cura printing recommendations:

These are averaged settings which were tested in the Cura 5.2.1 slicer. Test models were printed on Anycubic Vyper, Creality Ender 3 Pro with PLA filament.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings: download

Simplify3D printing recommendations:

These are averaged settings which were tested in the Simplify3D 5.0.0 slicer. Test models were printed on Anycubic Vyper, FLSUN v400, Ender3 S1 with PLA filament.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings: download

Slic3r printing recommendations:

These basic 3D printing settings recommendations for beginners were tested in Slic3r 1.3.0 software. Test models were printed on Ultimaker 2, Creality Ender 3, Creality Cr-10S pro v2, Anycubic I3 Mega, Anycubic I3 MegaS, Anycubic Vyper with PLA and PetG filaments.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings: download

PrusaSlicer printing recommendations:

These basic 3D printing settings recommendations for beginners were tested in PrusaSlicer 2.3.1. Test models were printed on Ultimaker 2, Creality Ender 3, Creality Cr-10S pro v2, Anycubic I3 Mega, Anycubic I3 MegaS, Anycubic Vyper with PLA and PETG filaments.

To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings: download


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